Could your personality be just as or even more important than your education or your experience while hunting for a job? According to leading management resources, the answer is a resounding yes. According to Forbes, "New research shows that the vast majority of employers (88%) are looking for a 'cultural fit' over skills in their next hire as more and more companies focus on attrition rates." The following are examples of 5 personality traits employers often look for.


Employers are looking for employees who will be strictly professional in their dealings with colleagues and clients. They want employees who will represent the company well and know how to interact in a business environment. How can an employer tell if you are professional? The way you dress, speak, and carry yourself all speak to your professionalism or lack thereof. Before going into an interview, it will benefit you greatly to study the corporate culture of the organization and to dress accordingly. Enter the interview ready to shake hands and answer questions in a professional, well-thought-out manner. Avoid texting or using electronics while you wait for your interview, though bringing your tablet can signal to an employer that you are tech-savvy. 


Employers want employees who can exude confidence. Whether you're looking for a job as a manager, salesperson, or executive assistant, your ability to demonstrate confidence will help you make strong connections with clients and co-workers. Confidence is also closely tied to your communication skills. For these reasons, managers carefully scrutinize applicants' confidence during the interview process. How can you show an employer that you are confident with good communication skills? Don't be too timid during an interview, make eye contact, and don't be afraid to speak plainly about your accomplishments and achievements.

Energy & Self-Motivation

Employers want candidates who are motivated to get the job done correctly and efficiently. They want employees who can work independently without management breathing down their necks. Being energetic and self-motivated means that you have a passion for the work you are doing and a genuine desire to work hard to accomplish goals. You're not lethargic, doing the bare minimum to keep your job, but instead you're a go-getter who is always willing to take on more and more responsibility to get the job done. Show your energy and self-motivation during an interview by learning about the corporation to which you are applying and demonstrating that knowledge by explaining your enthusiasm about contributing to the corporation's organizational goals.


Attrition rates are high, and employers are seeking professionals who can make long-term contributions. For this reason, they're looking for loyal employees who won't leave the company a few months down the road. The best way to demonstrate your loyalty in an interview is to explain how you've been loyal in other positions, only leaving because you had no room to grow or because the company was closing/restructuring. If you don't have that work experience, however, you can demonstrate loyalty by discussing how you see yourself contributing to the company in 5 or 10 years. 

While your experience and education are important to potential employers, so is personality, and understanding what employers are looking for with regards to personality can help you make a better first impression during an interview.